Marching Drill Design Needs/Checklist To Send:

Thanks again for allowing me to work with your group. In order for me to do my best work for you I must get started on planning, mapping and setting up your show. Everything is time consuming and I want plenty of time to plan. Please send to me asap once we agree to work together (Print & Create a check list):

  1. MP3 recordings that match your scores exactly as you will perform them. This is how I animate your show so it must be accurate. There are great editing software programs for you to use if you need to edit.____

  2. PDF scores with all cuts clearly marked or edited out. Must match MP3 recordings exactly.____

  3. Send exact numbers to write for. Your email will serve as the official count sheet. Ex: flute 10; clarinet 14; alto sax 12 etc…remember if possible it is better to have even numbers in your sections for geometric forms. Don’t forget to include how many of each percussion instrument (snares, tenors, bass drums and if marching cymbals). Please include color guard numbers as well. Very important to indicate if writing for alternates from start of show and for how many.____

  4. A program outline that clearly gives order of program. Ex: Mvt. 1 is Spiderman; Mvt. 2 is Superman; Mvt. 3 is Batman.____

  5. Any notes you want to include. You may be as detailed as possible and create a complete count sheet (meas. to meas.) or just general notes. The more detailed you are often results in better product. If you don’t include then I will do.____

  6. Detailed prop info and where they will be on the field. Include what they are (banner/stage/ramp etc…) and exact measurements if possible. Even send pictures if you have them.____

  7. Exact field limits...ex: don’t write outside 20 yd lines…don’t write past the back hash mark…there is a tree on the 10 on our practice field etc…____

  8. Do this all in one email to be official and easier to find your schools details (You can also do this on the ”Band Profile Page” on this website).____

  9. I will send an invoice once you send me the information. ____

  10. You may also send to me in one flash drive or Dropbox/Google file.____

Please visit the sample drill links on this website. There are samples of small, medium and large size band drills. It is also important to fill out the band profile page and contact information for smooth communication throughout the marching season. THANK YOU!